Tuesday, October 30, 2007

So many choices!

AHHH! I haven't posted in a few days and rather than feeling like I had nothing to be thankful for instead I found myself having a hard time choosing what to write about! So that is what I am so thankful for today. So many choices, so many wonderful things to be thankful for :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Spinny Chair

What's the most used toy in our house? The spinny chair. It's orange and red and hard to miss. It's a ride, a hideout, a trap, a bed, a home for dolls and stuffed animals and a magnet for all children that see it. Design-wise it is also probably the coolest thing in our house.
Thank you Ikea!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yes, we will get dessert

Last night my best friend and I went out for dinner. Now to some that may not seem so monumentous but I am a mom with young children and my friend lives an hour away. So for me last night was a wonderful treat. There's nothing like talking with someone who really knows you (and has for a long time) and still loves you (and has for a long time). And yes the dessert was really good :)

Monday, October 22, 2007

No Garbage

Now there are a lot of reasons why I love my husband but when I came downstairs today and looked out the kitchen window I saw one that really means a lot to me. Sitting on the curb were bags of garbage. Everyday my husband takes care of the garbage and recycling. He never asks for my help and never complains. It has basically been his job for the past 10 years and I am SO Thankful for that. Thank you, Honey!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fall Drive

There are some days in New England in the fall that are just so beautiful that you can hardly believe it. Today was one of those days. The trees were vibrant, the sun was bright and the sky a brilliant blue. I was in the car for a few hours alone today and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Think Thankful!

Welcome to Think Thankful

Welcome to Think Thankful!
There really is only one purpose to this blog and that is to find things to be thankful for in my life. The more that I am thankful, the more things I find to be thankful for and on it goes. It is a beautiful expansion of positive energy. I do hope that you can find at least one thing to be thankful for each day, even if it is the tiniest of things. Being thankful makes a great day better and a hard day a little more bearable.