Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

A long, long time ago

"One day a long, long time ago...this house was clean."
Boden 3
I wonder when that day was? Actually we do manage to clean up at least somewhat everyday but my 7:30am each day it's back to this:)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

3 Big Lessons

I was thinking today how much I am my children's student. They teach me so much. Everyday without fail I examine my own thoughts and feelings because of them. It's really amazing how little I knew about myself before they came along.

Iris has given me a new found appreciation for what it means to be a female and to totally, 100% embrace that. As a women's studies major in college, the focus of my classes was often on how women were made to be subservient or weak. Or at least that was my take on it at the time. Now I am just appreciating the differences between the sexes. And wearing more dresses.

Boden has taught me so much about patience, gentleness and acceptance. He has the strongest will and conventional parenting techniques- might makes right-do not work with him. Not only does he not do what you want him to do, but his spirit is so hurt by that way of acting. He is the one who helps me get over worrying about what other people think and the one who reminds me to be kind, even when a dinosaur is being thrown at my head.

And Gus. Oh what a happy, happy person. He just wants to be happy (really don't we all) and he is. I am learning so much about myself from his physical issues, that don't seem to bother him one bit. The underlying thoughts of mine that caused those physical issues in utero were the same thoughts that plagued generations back in my family and showed up in me as well. I am realizing things that I probably never would have even thought about if he hadn't given me this opportunity to put my limiting beliefs under this microscope.

I feel like all my children have given me these wonderful opportunities to stretch as a person and I am so very thankful for them.

Brother and Sister

It's so much fun... (Iris)
Yeah, bein' a brother and sister. (Boden)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Sometimes you gotta just go with the flow.

I'm going with my river, you're going with your river.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanks for the reminder

"Mom, you have so much to learn." Boden age 3