Saturday, July 5, 2008

Think Thankful at Ning

I just started a Ning social network
I originally had a vision for where there was a social networking forum just for people sharing what they were thankful for in their lives. I didn't really have the faintest idea of how to make that happen but I kept thinking "Oh wouldn't that be great where just pure positive energy and appreciation was flowing through online posts. Big things, little things, pictures, videos, whatever. All about appreciating." Well now there is and it was really pretty easy though the site is still in its infancy. I have a lot to learn about it but I'm excited for this challenge.
So come and join Ning and the Think Thankful community!

1 comment:

Cid said...

wow....fantastic idea!! I'm bursting with much that I'm not going to even think about the fact that I'm part of 4 other Ning groups and Scott Noelle's Total Immersion training, and Authentic Times (.com!).

Love it...see you there soon!

Peace & Abundance, Cid